
Take my hand and let's follow  adventures together. Explore your dreams with me..

Pre-screen / prebook as my schedule fills quickly and I don’t want to miss the chance to meet you.

Rates are for my time and companionship only. Deposit 30 % is required to confirm appointment

Cancelation fee is 30 %. Same day cancelation fee is 100 %

For couples add 500

Donations are set towards: 

At my place:

One hour - 1000 introduction

90 minutes - 1600 cocktail time

Two hours - 1800 champagne time

Three hours - 2600 sweet date

Four hours - 3500 dinner date

At your place: 

One hour - 1200 introduction

90 minutes - 1700 cocktail time

Two hours - 2200 champagne time

Tree hours - 3200 rendezvous

Four hours - 3700 dinner date

6 h - 4500 dinner and cocktails

12 h/overnight - 7000  dinner and party

14h/overnight and breakfast - 8000

24 hours sweet escape - 9000

48 hours perfect weekend - 14000

72 hours long weekend - 19000


4 hours - 6000 + travel expanses

6 hours - 7000 + travel expanses

12h/overnight - 8000 + travel expanses

24 hours - 10000 + travel expanses

48 hours - 15000 + travel expanses

72 hours - 20000 + travel expanses